Member of the Month: Summit Cleaning

April 30, 2024
Photos provided by Summit Cleaning.

By Ryan Hecht, Arvada Chamber of Commerce Marketing Director

Summit Cleaning is a professional residential commercial cleaning company that started in 2018 in Arvada. 

“I am not a native of Colorado. I’m originally from Ukraine. However, Arvada has become my second home,” says owner Tetiana Kolcheva. “It was just me when I started, working from a tiny desk in the basement of my house that I had bought from Goodwill. I went knocking door-to-door in my neighborhood, and it was the most uncomfortable thing I had ever done. I was still learning English. I printed a piece of paper that said, ‘Hi, my name is Tanya, and I clean houses.’ About six months in, some clients suggested, ‘Why don’t you use your full name? It’s so beautiful.’ and that gave me confidence. Since then, I have been going by my full name, Tetiana.

In a few months, I decided to hire my first employee. The third employee I hired was Maria, who has been with me for over five years now. She still remembers coming to my basement and moving to our first small office in Arvada at 80th and Wadsworth. Within a year, we outgrew that space since the company has been doubling in size every year.

Today, we have 22 technicians and 350 recurring clients. We offer a variety of services: one-time cleanings, recurring services, deep cleanings, and move-out cleanings.”

Ryan Hecht, Marketing Director: Tell me about your move from Ukraine.

Tetiana: I moved here with my mom 11 years ago to study my passion: music. I’m a piano teacher. When I came here, it was all a switch. I had to understand the language, the culture, adapt to a new lifestyle, and learn to drive. 

Why did you transition from music to cleaning?

It wasn’t exactly by choice; it kind of happened serendipitously. I met my husband here, and we got married within a year. Another year later, we were blessed with twin boys. I stayed home as a mom for a couple of years, which was both very routine and challenging. My mother-in-law, who did some cleaning jobs, invited me to help her a few times, and surprisingly, I enjoyed it. She was impressed by my knack for it. This sparked an idea, and with my husband’s encouragement, I decided to take a leap of faith and start a business. Opening my own cleaning service has turned out to be the best decision I’ve made.

What do you like about cleaning?

There are two aspects that I find fulfilling. The first is the emotional impact. There’s a profound sense of helping and making a tangible difference in someone else’s life. Cleaning, while often stressful, embodies the idea of “a clean space equals clean mind”. As a mother, I experience firsthand how a messy home can be overwhelming. I see the relief it brings to others when they return to a clean, orderly home—it brings peace and harmony to their lives. So, it’s not just about cleaning toilets, it’s about providing genuine relief and reclaiming time for our clients.

But there’s another aspect, and it’s the immediate satisfaction and results. It’s so satisfying to see the transformation of a dirty bathroom into a perfectly clean, sanitized, fresh, and polished space. It’s the joy of seeing the physical transformation of spaces within the home that really resonates with me.

Do you have a success story that stands out to you?

I think the first story that comes to mind is our partnership with Cleaning for a Reason. Cleaning for a Reason is a national nonprofit that provides free cleanings for families going through breast cancer. Recently, one of our technicians did a free cleaning and the patient came to the office right after and she was full of joy and tears and gratitude. I feel like that was the moment when I felt like, wow, we truly are making a difference. 

“Cleaning for a Reason” Client Testimonial

I know you have a lot of competition. How do you set yourself apart?

I love this question. I think what sets us apart is our authenticity and the genuine care we show. I care deeply about each of my employees and am intimately familiar with their lives. We operate with integrity, which is one of our core values here, and that’s what I promote and teach. Caring for people is paramount for us. By adhering to our core values, being authentic, and demonstrating integrity, we provide exceptional, caring service.

How has the war in Ukraine impacted you and your business?

The war started on February 24, 2022, so it’s been over two years now. Initially, I was in shock; it was incredibly difficult knowing that my family was there. For two weeks, I was barely functioning—I missed employees’ birthdays and was physically present but mentally absent. Eventually, I pulled myself together and we organized fundraisers, one of the biggest ones was for Ukrainian orphans.

It is very close to my heart. My family is there. I know the country well, its land, and how beautiful it is. Seeing it being destroyed is profoundly saddening.

Here, we’re so blessed. The situation prompted a shift in my mindset to be grateful every day for everything. Things were improving, the business was growing, and my children were thriving. You often don’t take time to appreciate what you have, always wanting more. The war was eye-opening: You can lose everything in a second.

You have started this amazing business, been successful, and are giving back to the community. You created jobs for 22 people. To me, this is how the American dream is defined, right? 

Absolutely, the journey hasn’t been easy, but it’s been incredibly rewarding. Owning a business comes with its challenges, but the ability to make a positive impact makes it worthwhile. I currently employ two individuals who relocated from Ukraine, and helping them integrate and thrive here is immensely fulfilling. I see myself as a facilitator for growth, not just for my business, but for my employees as well. We regularly invite speakers like Amber Stevens and Kitty Coy to our quarterly meetings to enrich our team’s personal and professional lives, and I also share inspiring books to further empower them. This commitment to development and community engagement is my way of embodying the American dream—creating opportunities and giving back.

Do you feel like you have gotten better as a leader and mentor?

Definitely. I am working on that all the time. If you want to be a leader, you have to be a coach in a way and create more leaders around you. Currently, I am in Leadership Bootcamp now with Arvada Chamber, which has been extremely enlightening. It not only reinforces my skills but also keeps me connected with the latest in leadership strategies, ensuring that we are always advancing and never falling behind. 

What advice would you give to a new business owner?

You have to go where you are uncomfortable. You’re not going to grow if you stay in your comfort zone. When I started the business, I went knocking door to door when I did not have perfect English – this a great example of getting uncomfortable.

Six years later, what are you doing to be uncomfortable? 

It’s public speaking and networking. Building relationships with other businesses. Going to Inspiring Women group with Arvada Chamber and telling my story was intimidating at first. But I have made deep connections there. Deb Starkey, who I met during my first Inspiring Women meeting, is the most wonderful person in the world, who helped connect me with so many people and given me confidence. Over the course of the last year, being a part of the Chamber has helped me so much. 

You are finding people who can be champions for you and your business.

Yes, I feel like that’s where our Chamber stands out because it’s a true community in all sense of the word. Everybody is supportive, open, wants to get to know you, and is willing to collaborate. I’ve been to many other networking groups. In 2022 I took a year break from networking and then I went to the Arvada Chamber, it was so much different. It’s so much better. Feeling the support and connecting with others helped me and it helped the business. 

Anything else you want to mention? 

The last thing I’d like to share is my motivation—my ‘why.’ My driving force every day is my family: my husband, my kids, and my mom. I strive to provide my children with opportunities I never had. They have a passion for hockey, which is quite an expensive sport, but I’m determined to support them in pursuing their interests. Being able to give them these opportunities is my biggest motivator.

Summit Cleaning

6510 W 91st Ave #90, Westminster, CO 80031
Phone: (303) 886-2251


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