B.O.L.D. 2026 | January 2024 Update

January 31, 2024

B.O.L.D. 2026 is a five-year regional economic strength and resiliency initiative of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber developed BOLD 2026 in consultation with private and public sector leaders and partners in Arvada, Jefferson / Adams Counties, Metro Denver and the state of Colorado. Below is a monthly update on initiative outcomes for investors, members, Champions, and the community.

January 2024 Highlights

Arvada Chamber Announces Family Friendly Workplace Certification Program

In collaboration with Healthlinks, the Arvada Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to introduce the Family Friendly Workplace Certification Program! This innovative initiative aims to address workforce challenges by assisting Arvada regional businesses in attracting top talent.

This program involves three phases of certification. First, businesses complete an organizational survey on their family-friendly policies and practices and receives a customized evaluation. Then, businesses receive 1:1 consultation and resources, including employer toolkits, and trainings, to support and strengthen their family-friendly policies and practices. Finally, program businesses join a cohort of varying sizes and sectors to connect quarterly to learn about best practices and share updates.


30 Employers Participate in GROW Jeffco Work-Based Learning Workshop

On Thursday, January 11th, the Arvada Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Red Rocks Community College, Jeffco Business and Workforce Center, Jeffco Public Schools, and the Colorado Apprenticeship Hub hosted 30 employers for a Work-Based Learning Workshop. This one-day GROW Jeffco event gave attendees a detailed overview of how they can explore, engage, and expand in work-based learning opportunities for their organization.


Six Takeaways from the State of Homelessness

The Arvada Chamber hosted the State of Homelessness on January 19 as part of its Community Impact Forum series. Britta Fisher (Colorado Coalition for the Homeless) provided a keynote overview of homelessness data in Jefferson County and then joined a panel discussion with Cassie Ratliff (Family Tree), Scott Spears (Olde Town Arvada Business Owner), Arvada Municipal Judge Kathryn Kurtz, and Kelly Dunkin (Colorado Gives Foundation).

View a video recording of the event and six key takeaways from the forum below.


Additional News and Updates


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How to Use SizeUp Arvada for Competitive Benchmarking

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